4 Skills Great Innovators Share by Greg Satell
Tanmay Vora
If creativity is about having unique ideas and new ways to do things, innovation is all about making those ideas happen.
In that sense, the bridge between creativity and innovation is made from the bricks of execution. That is when the rubber meets the road.
One of the key characteristics of someone who innovates is that they run small pilots to test their hypothesis. When they encounter ideas (or interesting intersections of already existing ideas), they tinker with the idea, execute in small chunks and learn along the way to adapt. They understand that to make a few things work, they have to try, fail and learn from many other things. They have to collaborate and network with others. They have to be comfortable with ambiguity and chaos when they experiment.
In this context, I read a brilliant post (with some great examples) from Greg Satell about 4 skills that all great innovators share. I highly recommend you read the full post and here is a quick sketch note summary of key skills. Greg supports these skills in his post with excellent examples to make sense of it all.
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