Being assertive at workplace

Tanmay Vora
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Success at workplace largely depends on our ability to stand up for ourselves and clearly express our feelings and thoughts. Equally important is the fact that these ideas/feelings/thoughts have to be presented in the right manner. While some people at workplace are insistent and try to “enforce” their views, some are passive and mostly submissive to other’s viewpoints. Being assertive means that you clearly express your views, the overall perspective and the reasoning without being submissive or overly emphatic. Being assertive means thinking win-win and communicate effectively.

There is a very good article on which talks about assertiveness as an important skill. Here are some key takeaways:

“Assertiveness: You are comfortable expressing your thoughts and feelings. You can put forth your views without compromising on your own needs or provoking others. You aim for a win-win solution.”

“Assertive people exhibit a positive, open style of communication that is neither submissive nor aggressive”

Bottomline: The key to being assertive is being able to carry forward an open communication which aims to amicably explain a view point with appropriate rationale’ behind. Whether a worker, a manager or a sales person – one has to learn to effectively put across the viewpoints without compromising on whats right and without enforcing your notions on someone.

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Perspective Building and 4 Ways to Improve Team Performance « QAspire March 18, 2009

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