Success at workplace largely depends on our ability to stand up for ourselves and clearly express our feelings and thoughts. Equally important is the fact that these ideas/feelings/thoughts have to be presented in the right manner. While some people at workplace are insistent and try to “enforce” their views, some are passive and mostly submissive to other’s […]
Came across an interesting post on Fastcompany blog called “Leading Ideas: Don’t Be Afraid to Show Shortcomings” – Here is an excerpt. Consider This: We all have insecurities. Things that we believe make us look bad or weak. Convinced that they’ll hold us back if exposed, we often go to great lengths to try to […]
Viruses (the computer one and the micro-organism one) disrupt the routine and one such virus took a toll on my health and kept me away from work for almost a week (and hence no new posts since a week). Unanticipated events screw up schedules – says Johanna Rothman who had a small accident that gave birth to […]
Via Skip Reardon’s “Be Excellent” blog. “The truth of the matter is that you always know the right thing to do. The hard part is doing it.” (General H. Norman Schwarzkopf) A good plan violently executed now is better than a perfect plan next week.” (General George S. Patton) Thanks Skip, for sharing these!
It is very important for managers to identify areas they manage best. This requires some soul searching on our inherent strengths that help us in managing things better. I found this excellent post “What do you manage best?” on Jeffrey Phillips’ blog Thinking Faster, where he enlists general “things” people manage. This includes: – People managing […]
I came across an interesting post on Tyner Blain blog called “Customer Service and Software Development“. The post starts with a thought provocating statement “Sometimes we forget that people use our software”. To build more human interfaces in terms of error messages when the team is struggling to meet deadlines can be a real challenge. “Lets get the […]
Lisa Haneberg in her post “What is success and how can you get some more?” puts an extract from her book “High Impact Middle Management” where she lists beliefs Middle Managers should subscribe to. Thanks Lisa for sharing these beliefs. Out of all listed, I particularly liked the following ones. “Middle managers should be outstanding […]
Mark Moloney got me thinking on project managers and planning when he puts forward a postulate on his blog “Mark wants a Porsche“ “Any project manager who regularly works overtime must be a poor planner.“ Working overtime is very intrinsic to IT professionals, specially managers since they have to deal internally with teams and externally […]