Celebrating conflict

Tanmay Vora
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I was about to raise an issue against one of my peers for repeated miscommunications on project with client. I was creating a conflict here – and with an ongoing internal dialogue, I realized that I am not creating a conflict just for the sake of creating a conflict. I need to raise issues/conflicts when something I see can be improved, or something not going in the right direction. Conflicts are our opportunity to grow and improve upon. Conflicts expose weaknesses, conflicts bring out ideas. They enable us to grow one step further in our journey of improvement. Over years, I have seen so many good practices being introduced in the organization just because of conflicts – internal conflicts and even the ones with clients.

Just about the same time, I came across this nice and short piece of blog post from Robin Sharma – “Celebrate Conflict

He writes –

“Here’s my take on conflict: “Conflict is nothing more than an opportunity for greater growth and a deeper connection.” Every conflict carries within it a chance to learn a powerful lesson and grow as a human being (in your understanding / awareness / perspective). And every conflict – whether with a loved one or a customer – is a gorgeous opportunity to forge an even deeper connection with them. By turning their dissatisfaction into a wow for them.

So don’t run from conflict. No, embrace it. Relish in the potential it carries. Celebrate it. Because, though it can feel messy, in truth it’s a gift.”

Conflicts can be dirty and messy – one of the best strategies to turn a conflict into an opportunity is to have a strong solutions perspective. Instead of blames and confrontations, try to identify the root causes of a conflict and how best they can be addressed. Thinking solutions by breaking the chain of descent into a conflict is perhaps the best way to resolve conflict.

So how do you get into the solutions space by breaking the chain of descent into a conflict ? Do read: “Descent into conflict” – at Clarrus Compedium. Also read a piece I wrote earlier on solutions perspective.

End note:
Blogosphere is magical. The moment you feel you have realized/learnt/explored something – someone out there in blogosphere is working to support your learning, in form of their ideas and posts. Its a great way to push the envelope and take any given topic to new unexplored depths. Long live blogging and long live bloggers!