Inspiration Through Illustrations
Sketchnote and Key Insights from my appearance on Sue Stockdale's Access to Inspiration Podcast.
Tanmay Vora
I recently had the honor of being a guest on Sue Stockdale’s “Access to Inspiration” podcast where she interviews inspirational people around the world with amazing stories to share.
In this short 25 minute conversation, we touched upon diverse topics like my journey into visual thinking, curiosity, inspiration and learning.
Here are some of the key quotes/thoughts from what I shared on the podcast:
On Learning
Lot of people try to learn things with ROI in mind. I think that the best learning, the most inventive/innovative form of learning does not happen when you look at ROI because the moment there is an ROI established for any learning initiative is when that learning has probably become a commodity. The emergent learning happens through trial and error. Trial and error is not possible without curiosity, without genuine inspiration, without a need to just dabble into something for the sake of it, not knowing the outcome, being very comfortable with the messiness of that whole process.
Community as Inspiration
What I think inspires me is the fact that I’m a part of a community that is a bunch of really generous, knowledgeable and kind people who are sharing what they learn along the way. I take what I learned from them and apply it into my context.
Be Prepared to Be Inspired
Being prepared, being consistent and showing up in your pursuit every single day, irrespective of whether you’re inspired or not, I think gets the inspiration going.
On Finding Ideas to Illustrate
The challenge is not to find an idea, but the challenge is to align myself in a way that I can best represent that idea in a way that helps me. And then, it helps others.
On Managing Risk of Judgment When Sharing
I try circumvent the risk of judgment with substance. That if this is going to help a lot of people, I can’t go wrong. So I keep my focus on how this will help others.
On Being Wise
In a connected world, wisdom is a product of what you learn, how you apply, what you learn and the communities that you learn and share with.
You can listen to the full conversation here, and I also present a short visual summary of key points from the discussion in form of a sketchnote.

Full Conversation Here:
Listen to “47. Tanmay Vora: Inspiration through illustration” on Spreaker.
Register: Visual Thinking Workshop
I am excited to be running my first introductory workshop on visual thinking for business and learning on 05th July 2021, Monday. If you are a visual learner, or someone who wishes to leverage visual thinking in your context, do check out the workshop details.
Find more about the workshop here.

Updated: Visual Leadership Pack of 55+ HD Sketchnotes
If you liked the sketchnote summary above, check out the Visual Leadership Pack of HD Sketchnotes – a compilation of high-resolution compilation with 68+ powerful (and timeless) ideas to elevate your leadership and learning game.