Lifelong Learning: Lesson From A Cab Driver

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There was a sparkle in that cab driver’s eyes. A slim, young and enthusiastic fellow who drove me from airport to home while returning from a business travel. His greeting was cheerful and conduct, professional. As the wheels started moving, he initiated a conversation with me about economy, the state of jobs and why he loves driving cabs. He sounded like he carried a unique perspective. His enthusiasm was almost contagious and I was dragged into the conversation without even realizing it!

At one point in the conversation which covered range of topics from jobs to sales, he pulled out his cell phone and played a video recording of what seemed to me like a motivational video. He handed over the phone to me so that I could see/listen to the speech. He later revealed that he spent about 30% of his monthly income to attend this day long seminar by a leading motivational/sales speaker and urged me to find the video somewhere on YouTube.

This guy was amazing because he did not see his background, his job or lack of qualifications as a limitation. Because he taught me that learning has no boundaries. That only pre-requisite to learn new things is to have an open, willing, receptive and curious frame of mind. That you learn the best when you learn it for yourself, not for a degree or an external certification.

I once heard Tom Peters saying that if you are a business traveler, you learn the most not from the corporate executives but from the cab drivers. You really get a perspective about life. I experienced it first-hand.

The next time I need a cab, I know who to call!


Ian DeWeerd April 3, 2012

Awesome story! Makes me want to go out for a cab ride right now. I sometimes find myself being jaded by how many degrees or awards a person may have, but I forget about that unique experience that each one of us has. Your story reminds me to keep an open mind and appreciate the value that everyone has within them.

Violet Stevens April 4, 2012

Whoa! Amazing story!

The urge cab driver had, is really adorable. But, isn’t it true that we miss out on many such opportunities? Let’s not this time!

Catch Jack Canfield live!

Shruti Edlabadkar April 3, 2012

The narration mesmerized me so much… life is full of surprises and endless-learning .This story just reminded me that people around you no matter who they are and what they do, can teach you so much…
Thanks for sharing this inimitable experience!!!

Ashok Vaishnav April 3, 2012

An excellent example of a person who lives the life with minimum possible needs has the requisite perspective to lead a meaningful life.
Such behaviours are contagious. And hence, normaaly, would spread message of the right way of living most effectively.
Of course, the converse is also true. A bad behaviour also would beget a bad behaviour.
There are two takes, from this story:
a. Do not return bad behaviour with bad behaviour. [In fact, if not otherwise merited, return a good behaviour].
b. Spread the message of good behaviour everywhere. However, on that unfortunate day, if you were at the receiving end of bad behaviour, forget it – totally and and completely. Eralier it is banished , more the world can be ride out of negative vibs.

Ashok Vaishnav April 3, 2012

Shri N. Raghuraman also has naraated a similar inspiring and worthy-to-be-followed exmaple on 31 March,2012 in his regular column – Management Funda – in Divya Bhaskar, Ahmedabad Edition.
This is the link to that excellent piece, in Gujarati: હોંશિયાર કર્મચારીઓને જ દરેક વ્યક્તિ કરે છે પસંદ

Shripal Shah April 3, 2012

Trust me man…. Rocking way of explaining thoughts Tanmay!!!! And so Optimistic!!

Thabo Hermanus April 4, 2012

This is right up my alley Tanmay and I agree with you wholeheartedly. I have learnt a lot from just giving people my ear for that moment and at worst, all it will do is widen your perspective as to how you view things or the world. There is a sad sense of arrogance at times about how people want to peg you in some form of status in a box based on what job you do. We all have dreams and more so, we dream bigger dreams for our children.

Borania Siddharth April 4, 2012

This post inspire us, and let our mind should think outside of our SELF CREATED boundaries. And its for every person in the word.

Dave Dunne April 7, 2012

Nice to get a fresh perspective and some reassurance that everything these days isn’t negative! Great story and confirmation that the right attitude goes a long way.

MAPping Company Success May 7, 2012

[…] month’s Carnival host, Tanmay Vora, from QAspire Blog, presents Lifelong Learning: Lesson from a Cab Driver. “I once heard Tom Peters saying that if you are a business traveler, you learn the most not […]

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