Share to Learn

Tanmay Vora
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If you are doing work that you love (or love the work you do), you learn something new every single day.

This could be something you experienced, something you noticed, something thought-provoking that you read, something that worked for you (or others around you). And it is also very likely that someone out there precisely needs that help, spark of idea, wisdom and insight.

Technology has made it all the more easier to share with others, learn from others and build a community by doing so consistently. You can choose your platforms to share on, or you can create your own platform (like your own blog).

Tools really does not matter as much.

What matters is that you find your voice and courage to express your thinking.

That you build a posture of generosity when you share your insights along.

What matters is what you learn during the process of sharing, articulating and shipping your thoughts out to the world ā€“ consistently and deliberately.

Clarity of thought that you develop as a result of sharing regularly. The dots that you connect as you see your ideas unfold in increments.

And the relationships you build with your community as you add (and gain) value in tiny bursts regularly.

That makes it all worthwhile in a long run.

Updated: Visual Leadership Pack of 68+ HD Sketchnotes

Check out the Visual Leadership Pack of HD Sketchnotes ā€“ a compilation of high-resolution compilation with 55+ powerful (and timeless) ideas to elevate your leadership and learning game.

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