101 Common Sense Management Tips

Tanmay Vora
Posted on

I suggest reading The Manager’s Cheat Sheet: 101 Common-Sense Rules for Leaders at InsideCRM.com  (hat tip to this post at lifehack.org) – a great list of common sense management skills that really matter for us managers.

A few random ones here:

Lead by example. You can talk until you’re blue in the face, but the best way to get a point across is to be the model to emulate. Let employees follow your lead.

Rise above the crisis. Learn to separate yourself from the problem and rise above the fray. You’ll be able to think more clearly and make a better decision on how to rectify the issue.

Learn when to step in. Some problems might resolve themselves if you just let them be, but you need to be aware of times where you’ll need to step in and take control of a situation.

Adopt a predictive managerial style. Don’t wait for things to happen to make a move. Anticipate problems and provide contingency plans.

Provide effective channels of communication. Make sure your clients can contact you easily and quickly if they have a problem, concern or question. They can also provide a valuable source of feedback.

Read the rest here – as we read this, we realise that these are very common sense suggestions but as they rightly say, common sense is something pretty uncommon to find!

Have a Great Week ahead!