Build Strong Teams by Turning Your Managers Into Trainers

Tanmay Vora
Updated on

Here is one idea that can dramatically strengthen your organizational fabric. Ask everyone in manager or lead positions to spend at least a couple of hours each month training others (preferably their teams). They decide the topic (mostly one that is their primary skill area, processes, methodologies, soft skills or whatever) and deliver a talk once in a while.

Few benefits:

  • Your managers/leads seek out to learn stuff they can share.
  • They will get better at thinking, presentation and public speaking.
  • They will share their wisdom and help people understand unique perspectives.
  • Teams start respecting managers for their knowledge and value they deliver.

First, do it for three months. Keep a note of attendance and measure the effort spent – the ROI of this effort should be well worth it, for it builds strong connections between people.

Trainings are most effective when they are kept light weight. What’s more – it builds a constantly learning culture.

Try it out!