Perspective Building and 4 Ways to Improve Team Performance

Tanmay Vora
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For people working on projects (or any other initiative for that matter), how will they add value if they are assigned tasks without giving them a broader picture and perspective?

I was recently discussing this issue with some of the senior project managers and it came out that people will only think beyond their tasks (pro-activity) if they are equipped to do so. And they can only be equipped with perspective building and showing them the overall picture in which their work fits in. Communication (and over-communicating when it is needed) is one of the biggest challenges project managers are facing today.

My suggestion to them is:  Build perspective first, clarify the purpose and then assign task and see how people will start thinking pro-actively to carry out the task that exactly fits into the larger frame.

This has always worked for me.

Further, I read “4 Ways to Improve Team Performance” from Harvard Business Publishing’s “Management Tip of the Day”. Being an email subscriber to daily tip, I can have some profound wisdom delivered to my mailbox everyday. And I enjoy reading them thoroughly.

Here is today’s tip:

Managing your team’s performance is a challenge no matter what the environment. Take the extra time and effort to help your team succeed in what will likely be a tough year for all.

  • Give your team much-needed perspective. Relieve pressure by encouraging them to have fun and remind them work is not the only thing in their lives.
  • Spend time with all your team members, not just the stars. It’s easy to focus on A+ performers, but success relies on everyone doing his or her job well.
  • When something doesn’t go as planned, acknowledge the setback and move on.
  • Focus on team success. Celebrate what you have accomplished together, rather than individual achievements.

These are common-sensical but very crucial tips for managing people and helping them improve their performance.

Management tips were adapted from the article “Four Ways to Improve Your Team’s Performance” by Daisy Wademan Dowling at Harvard Business Blogs.

Have a Great Day!

P. S.: You might also like reading the earlier posts I wrote on similar topics: