#QUALITYtweet – Interviews, Guest Post and Reviews

Tanmay Vora
Posted on

QUALITYtweet_cover[1] I am delighted to share a couple of things that happened this week around my book #QUALITYtweet.

Phil Gerbyshak is a cool friend who also wrote advance praise in the book. Phil is a “Make it Great” guy whose attitude on life is nothing less than contagious. It reflects in the way he writes. Phil interviewed me this week on my book. You can read the full interview here.

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Tom Glover been devoting the last several articles to my book #QUALITYtweet. He reviewed the book in a previous article and shared two-part interview with me. You can read Part – I and Part – II of the interview. Today, Tom features my guest post Intersection of Reflection Leadership and #QUALITY. Here is an excerpt:

Leadership creates an environment for people to work. It is therefore very important for leaders to reflect on the environment they are creating. I read somewhere that the only legacy of great leaders is the culture they create. Thoughts and deeds of a leader set examples and precedence for others to follow and emulate. Long after a leader is gone, these examples and precedence stay on.

Culture of a team or organization forms an eco-system for people to deliver great results. Hence, culture is at the very core of a quality oriented culture.

I have been fortunate enough to receive some fantastic reviews of the book so far from the kind folks. You can visit the “#QUALITYtweet Reviews Page” where I have compiled all reviews of  the book so far.

Finally, I would like to Thank You for all your support to this blog so far. If you have any feedbacks or suggestions for improvement, please do not hesitate to contact me or share your feedbacks in the comments section.

Have a Wonderful Wednesday!