#QUALITYtweet – Video Review

Tanmay Vora
Updated on

Simon Young at iJump reviews my book “#QUALITYtweet – 140 bite-sized ideas to deliver quality in every project” and other books in Thinkaha Series. You can also watch this video at iJump TV website.

I resumed my article series on ActiveGarage with my 13th article titled “Reviews Can be Fun (if done right)” published a few days ago. You can read previous 12 articles here.

Here is an excerpt from my latest article at ActiveGarage:

Success of any process depends on 2 E’s – Efficient and Enjoyable. Same holds true for your review processes. Review is a control mechanism, and hence the focus on getting it right the first time is still very important. A good review is just an internal quality gate that ensures that internal customers (reviewers) are happy with the final product. If your internal customers are happy, your external customers will be happy too!

Have a great Wednesday and a wonderful remaining week ahead!