Thoughts during a poorly planned meeting!

Tanmay Vora
Updated on

A few days back, I compiled a list of 25 things I learnt on conducting productive meetings.

On the same lines, I read this amusing and very relevant post on Cultural Offering blog titled “What they’re thinking during your poorly planned and badly executed meeting” – the title says it all!

My favorites from the list are:  “Why am I here?” and “$50 per hour x 12 x 2 hours = $1200” 🙂

This goes on to tell how important it is to plan and execute meetings well, or else people tend to look at meetings as a waste. They will feel disengaged and the whole purpose of meeting goes for a toss.

My additions to that fantastic list of what they’re thinking during your poorly planned and badly executed meeting:

  1. What was the agenda?
  2. Wife’s going to shout at me again for getting late!
  3. I’ll have to cancel the tickets to the movie this evening!
  4. If they had to discuss it between two of them, why were we called?
  5. Why can’t he stop talking about all great things he did during his last client meeting?
  6. Should I be the first one to pick up the cookie from that plate? Or should I wait?
  7. Why is coffee not coming?
  8. Weather must be beautiful outside!

Thanks to Michael Wade at Execupundit for pointing me to this post!