10 Personal Commandments for Management & Leadership

Tanmay Vora
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Most of my thinking on management/leadership is reflected in different posts of this blog. It was when I read a post on Don Fred’s blog “Lead Quietly” that I was inspired to frame 10 personal commandments of management/leadership. I have written separate posts on each one of these earlier and I continue to believe strongly in these commandments.

  1. Serve people well – core job of a leader is to serve the people.
  2. Respect people all the time. Be good to them. Goodness at workplace works!
  3. Be a good communicator. Being a manager/leader means being a good communicator.
  4. Keep promises and be authentic.
  5. Endeavor to deliver value in each interaction. Leave people slightly better than what they were before the interaction.
  6. Focus on strengths of people, not weaknesses.
  7. When it comes to people, set goals for them and then set them free. Initiative comes with independence.
  8. Be thankful for small things, never miss an opportunity to appreciate efforts.
  9. Remain adaptable to changing business needs.
  10. Don’t expect the team to do anything that I can’t do. Set right example.

In time to come, I will stick to these commandments and become a better leader and person in the process. I am sure, as I gather more experience, there would be many additions to this list but for now, I stick to these!

Do you have a personal set of commandments for doing your job? If so, I invite you to share them here in comments section – I can guarantee that it would be very stimulating to think about these.

Come forward, give it a try!


JasonWilton April 24, 2009

The idea that “goodness works” seems so simplistic that it can’t really hold much water. It does. It’s powerful stuff. It does aid in leadership and it creates an overall environment of infectious positivity.