A must read – Tom Asacker’s Nine Predictions for 2009

Tanmay Vora
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Year 2008 was a roller coaster ride of highs and lows, triumphs and failures. Overall economic environment and events that shaped up 2008 requires us to look at 2009 with a lot of hope and optimism. 

How do we remain optimistic? How do we stay positive? How do we remain hopeful?

Tom Asacker suggests a simple yet profound way out –

Every person has both the dog of optimism and the dog of pessimism inside of them. The one you see most often is the one you feed most often.  It really is that simple.  I truly hope that you feed the hopeful one in 2009 – the one with the bright, shining eyes of possibility – and live a life of passion, not pretense.

I strongly recommend reading Tom’s Nine Predictions for 2009 – and they are certainly not what we think they may be. I am pretty sure you will enjoy reading it. After reading this piece, I just fell in love with the following quote from it.

“I don’t make movies to make money. I make money to make movies.” – Walt Disney’s Mantra

This simple quote talks a ton about following your energies, doing what you like, following your passion and making a difference.

I wish you all a great weekend!