Great Quotes : Change

Tanmay Vora
Updated on

Economic turbulence brings about a change – and growth lies in our response to these changes. Organizations and individuals always have a choice in framing their response to these changes. Choices that influence our future.

Organizations can choose to crib about recession or align actions to consolidate the expertise, streamline operations and take meaningful decisions that have long lasting impact on future.

In this context, here is a great quote coming from “Leadership Turn” blog:

“When the wind of change blows, some build walls, others build windmills.” –Anonymous

I was recently talking to one of my seniors and he mentioned that recession is like a pit stop in car racing. Racing cars use pit stop opportunity (or a yellow caution flag) to change tyres, fasten bolts and get refuelled. This “pit-stop strategy” is very important for organizations and individuals when they racing towards growth and development. On the same lines, I read an interesting article over at BNET titled “Think of the economic turndown as a pit stop; The race will still run “.

When faced with change, what do you prefer to build? Wall or Windmill?

P.S. – I have written three posts earlier that touch upon this all important topic of change management. 1) Thoughts on Change Management 2) Why Change? 3) Leadership and Adaptability. Your comments are priceless.