Great Quotes: Be a Yardstick of Quality

Tanmay Vora
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I love quotes because they inspire and ignite a thought process. Today, I read this brilliant quote from Steve Jobs:

“Be a yardstick of quality. Some people aren’t used to an environment where excellence is expected.” ~ Steve Jobs

Loved the first part. Be a yardstick of quality. As professionals, we can only differentiate ourselves with our commitment to excel, regardless of our chosen field. Quality is a moving target. You delivered a great performance today. Tomorrow, the same performance becomes good enough. The day after, it is termed ‘mediocre”. Not because you din’t do it so well, but because someone else started doing it better than you. It is easy to get commoditized but very difficult to differentiate. Be so good that people take your performance as a yardstick to raise their game.

So, my takeaway for this Friday (and for the rest of my life) is – Be a yardstick of quality.

Have a FANTASTIC Friday and a wonderful weekend!


Jay Chhaya July 9, 2010

Some people aren’t use to quality centric environment and the reason is that actions in such environment requires additional efforts to strive to quality standards. That’s what keeps an individual away from Comfort Zone.
Secondly as Tanmay said, Quality never has boundries, it’s always an ongoing improvement process.
Again coming to an abstract from Harsha Bhogle’s speech on Achievers of Excellence, he said – Everytime I start a new day for live sports commentry, I keep a target to be better in quality than the last performace. And at the end of session, I get up from seat happily saying that this actually was my best performance which I need to again take to a better level in next one.
That’s all about attitude to deliver Quality. Hence truely said by the legend – “Be a yardstick of quality”
Tanmay, thanks for sharing this valuable quote, It indeed accelerates our thought process.

Tanmay Author July 13, 2010

@Jay – Thanks for the comment and support to this blog! I really appreciate it!


may i ask when and where it comes from?