Great Quotes – Robin Sharma

Tanmay Vora
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Robin Sharma is a well known author of bestsellers including “The Monk who sold his Ferrari”. I have been reading his blog for just about a year now. Robin beautifully puts complex ideas forward in very simple words.

I have always loved reading him. I would like to share some of the snippets from his weblog – these are the ones I have been truly inspired by.

“What don’t you like about your life or the organization you work for or the country you live in? Make a list. Write it down. Shout it out. And then do something to improve things. Anything. Start small or go big. Just do something. Today. Now. The world will be better for it.”

“Each day, life will send you little windows of opportunity. Our destiny is ultimately defined by how we respond to these windows of opportunity. Shrink from them and your life will be small. Feel the fear and run to them anyway, and your life will be large.”

“And as you begin to shed light on your personal weaknesses and take responsibility for them, you actually begin the process of shedding them. You become stronger. More powerful. More of who you were meant to be.”

“Let me ask you: Where would this world be without the crazy ones? Bill Gates envisioned a computer on every desk in every home at a time when they took up a building. JFK promised he’d put a man on the moon when most people were consumed with life on earth. The Wright Brothers got us flying when everyone else said it couldn’t be done”

“Big idea: Your days are your life in miniature. As you live your days, so you craft your life. What you do today is actually creating your future. The words you speak, the thoughts you think, the food you eat and the actions you take are defining your destiny – shaping who you are becoming and what your life will stand for. There’s no such thing as an unimportant day.”

To get into Robin’s head, read his blog at Thanks Robin, for inspiring millions across the globe.


Robin Sharma has truly made a difference to millions of lives around the world. One must definitely read all his works.

Really his quotes inspiring,i personally feel as if he is invisible mentor……..

Tanmay Author June 6, 2011

Thanks Vijaya!

Zafar,PMP June 6, 2011

Have read couple of Robin’s books , his approach is pragmatic unlike most who deliver in theoretical world or too optimistic concepts instead being realist. Tanmay, don’t forget that you are equally valued and respected , Your contents rejuvenate the dormant feelings..don’t know much about you but whatever I have read from your writings , so far you have been great , a definite impact factor . I am doing research as I plan to write a book & getting through your opinions gives me some learning in the pursuit….

Tanmay Author June 6, 2011

Thanks Zafar, for those super kind words. I am grateful for having readers like you. Keep reading/commenting!


pavan sirish dey July 21, 2011

my vice president give me book called monk how sold his Ferrari Robin Sharma hoo.. man it has been grate changes in me i really thank my boss and robin……. it works

shivani gupta January 21, 2012

thanks robin sir for watever u do write for urself,for me nd for all on dis globe.

shivani gupta January 21, 2012

yes, his creations are superb….

shivani gupta January 21, 2012

I have read the first book ‘who will cry when u die’ as my first novel,when i am in standard 10th . It has changed my way of living life.Now i m in 11th and has read almost the books of robin sir…..i dont know it is true or nt bt words of robin sir have magical essence in it…..

Thanks for all your comments here Shivani. Robin Sharma rocks!