Hindsights from Guy Kawasaki

Tanmay Vora
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I simply love the way Guy Kawasaki writes. I have linked to his articles on this blog earlier and every time I read him, I end my reading with some realization, some learning and something more to ruminate upon.

Today, I stumbled upon a great piece he wrote way back in 2006 called “Hindsights” on his blog. While I strongly recommend reading this piece at his blog, here are a few excerpts for those who are running short of time 🙂

“Pursue joy, not happiness. Take my word for it, happiness is temporary and fleeting. Joy, by contrast, is unpredictable. It comes from pursuing interests and passions that do not obviously result in happiness.” –

“My father was a senator in Hawaii. His dream was to be a lawyer, but he only had a high school education. He wanted me to be a lawyer. For him, I went to law school. For me, I quit after two weeks. I view this a terrific validation of my inherent intelligence. And when I quit, neither of my parents were angry. They loved me all just the same.”

“One of the biggest mistakes you can make in life is to accept the known and resist the unknown. You should, in fact, do exactly the opposite: challenge the known and embrace the unknown.”

“You’re learning in a structured, dedicated environment right now. On your parents’ nickel. But don’t confuse school and learning. You can go to school and not learn a thing. You can also learn a tremendous amount without school.”

“Learn to like yourself or change yourself until you can like yourself.”

“Winning is also a means to play again. The unexamined life may not be worth living, but the unlived life is not worth examining.”

“By and large, the older you get, the more you’re going to realize that your parents were right. More and more-until finally, you become your parents. I know you’re all saying, “Yeah, right.” Mark my words.”

Some great hindsights represented with equal profoundness – Isn’t it?

1 Comment

What have you learned in 2008? « QAspire December 23, 2008

[…] … if you wait to be happy, you will never be happy. If you are happy now, you will be happy forever. Joy is an outcome of pursuing your passions. Joy is instant. We chase happiness and fail to be joyful. […]