In 100 Words: Three Questions to Lead the Self

Tanmay Vora
Updated on

A priest was confronted by a soldier while he was walking down a road in pre-revolutionary Russia. The soldier, aiming his rifle at the priest, called out,

“Who are you?

Where are you going?

Why are you going there?”

Unfazed, the priest calmly replied, “How much do they pay you?” Somewhat surprised, the soldier responded, “Twenty-five kopecks a month.”

The priest paused, and in a deeply thoughtful manner said, “I have a proposal for you. I’ll pay you fifty kopecks each month if you stop me here every day and challenge me to respond to those same three questions.”

Also Read: Other 100 Word Parables and Posts


Beautiful, I shall ask myself these same questions each day when I start my journey.

Holy crap… this unexpectedly hit me hard.