In 100 Words: Why Wait?

Tanmay Vora
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Driving to the office everyday is a very humbling experience.

Just a few kilometers on the bustling highway, there is a crematorium with two chimneys emitting light-grayish fume. Passing through a cemetery or crematorium, I come face-to-face with mortality. We are all going to die – and that itself should be a powerful provocation to realize the preciousness of life, to think about one’s priorities, be more human, joyful and grateful.

People who survive near-death experiences often tend to live more intentionally and fully afterwards. My point is: Why wait for such rude reminders when you can do that right away?

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Note: I met super-talented and amazing Kiruba Shankar yesterday and my conversation with him sparked the ideas outlined in this post. He is working on a very exciting project “Unkick the bucket” where he attempts to discover our true priorities in life.

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Also Read: Other 100 Word Parables

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Photo Courtesy: ProAudience on Flickr


I think in the rush through life, trying to meet expectations and match standards, we tend to forget our purpose. As is the case with most things, this too is easier said than done! Don’t you think?

Also, I was thinking between the time I read this and sat down to comment upon it that, if you really look at it, only the privileged have the liberty to even have a bucket list. There are men and women who are full-time caretakers for the elders in their families, are working two jobs a day to make ends meet…can they afford to take a break from routine?

This thought in itself should be the rude awakening call for the others. Sometimes being grateful that we wear a different pair of shoes and being humble in our achievements – and despite them – can lend freshness to monotony.

Tanmay Author July 30, 2013

@Gargee: Thanks for adding your thoughts here. It is definitely easier said than done, but in my case, this realization is built into my day. I see it everyday.

The idea in this post was certainly not to simply think about one’s mortality and escape from the daily grind. Life is hard and people have to do whatever is needed. It is not about taking a break from routine but more about building the gratitude muscle, as you rightly pointed out.

This post is for those who are constantly sweating on the treadmill of all external expectations not knowing what it means to them – for those who fret over small things and look for permanence in everything.

