Leadership begins with you

Tanmay Vora
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Robin Sharma inspires like no one else does – and he does it again with his excellent post  “Your Team’s Only As Good As You“.

A team can only be as great as a leader is – and as I have said before, a lousy leader mostly manages a lousy team.

Robin says –

“The big idea: your team will never be greater than you are (even if you are not the team leader). You set the level of how high you all can fly. Each finger affects the strength of the hand. When organizations bring me in to help teams get to world-class performance and results, I gently remind everyone in the room that everything begins with you. Forget blaming others – that’s just excusing yourself. And it all begins with your inner world. External leadership begins with internal mastery. You can’t help in the building of an extraordinary organization until you commit to becoming an extraordinary person”

Thanks Robin!