Muhammad Yunus does it!

Tanmay Vora
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He wins Nobel peace prize 2006 jointly with Grameen Bank, a micro-lending initiative he started in 1976 to extend small loans to entrepreneurs who are too poor to qualify for traditional bank loans.

Bravo!! The results of fiercely believing in something, articulating a vision and working on it relentlessly are usually startling and Muhammad is a perfect example in this context.

Whats amazing is that this model of micro-lending has been emulated in many other countries. In Grameen model, more than 90% of the micro-lending goes to women who suffer from poverty – that is a real achievement !  Muhammad believes “India can do it too

A beautiful quote from Muhammad that puts across his vision of eradicating poverty from the world:

“One day our grandchildren will go to museums to see what poverty was like.” — quoted in “The Independent”, 5 May 1996