More with less v/s More on less.

Tanmay Vora
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Multiple priorities and too many task on your task list throws you off the gear at times. I am passing through one such time where there is too much on my plate and focus keeps shifting between macro and micro level tasks. While all gets done, the key point here is – “Is it effective?” – and the answer is a resounding “No”.

In this context, I recently enjoyed Lisa Haneberg’s Fireside Chat with Michael Kanazawa where they talk about doing more with less v/s. doing more on less to bring about organizational break throughs. While you can listen to the podcast here, the essence is that in troubled times, companies attempt to do more with less number of resources and optimize. In most cases, this is counter-productive. Doing more with less is a bad idea. Focus instead should be doing more on less – more efforts, more focus and more resources on less number of critical priorities that make a big difference.

On the same lines, Robin Sharma over at his blog says “Less is More” – where the central idea is the same. The person who does too much accomplishes little. The most effective people in business (and life) have the discipline (and brilliance) to focus on doing just a few things spectacularly well.

There are times when business needs us to do more – and thats perfectly fine as long as it is not a routine thing. For me, doing more is only the need of this hour – but I will remember the fact that on a longer haul, success largely depends on taking up a few key initiatives and then committing your 200% to those few things. More on less, as they say!


An article worth reading!

A Steve Jobs Story on Simplicity and Focus November 10, 2011

[…] people (and organizations) do more on more. More work on more number of priorities. The key is to do more on less – more focus and better execution on a fewer set of priorities. That is what “being […]