SHRM Top 30 Indian HR Influencers on Social Media 2018

Tanmay Vora
Updated on

Each year, SHRM India releases a report outlining top social media influencers in HR space. Last week, the report was released at SHRMTech event in Hyderabad and I was thrilled to find a spot in this report for fifth consecutive year. The evaluation was done based on Klout score, LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter activity with focus on HR specific topics.

Influence of any kind can never be a goal in itself but a by-product of doing, learning and sharing it all along the way. When the sharing enables, helps, nudges and inspires others to do better, influence is more likely to happen.

Inspired by so many wonderful people in Indian HR space in the report (and so many others in my personal learning network), I continue my pursuit of curating meaningful insights visually, sharing what I learn and contributing to conversations that matter.

Read the Full 2018 Report Here (PDF).


Hi Tanmay,
You do inspire us. Brilliant achievement. Congrats!!!

Thank you Pasha! Grateful for your encouragement and support!