Sincerity begets sincerity

Tanmay Vora
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Sincerity is one virtue someone cannot fake easily.  Communicating sincerely does not necessarily mean using too many words. We were told that corporate world and growth therein is all about tricks, cosmetic smiles and opportunism to run over others.  I do not endorse that. Sincerity is still the most admired virtue in the corporate world. “Goodness” is still appreciated and liked.

I have experienced with so many of our clients – that when you are sincere in every meeting, every call, every email, every chat interaction, clients (who may not have even met you once personally) will be able to appreciate sincerity and reciprocate accordingly. Ditto with my team members and colleagues. The bottomline – Sincerity begets sincerity. Sincerity is the starting point of a good communication process.

It could be accepting a mistake. It could be seeking an apology. It could be forgiving someone, giving a feedback, meeting a friend on time, keeping your promises or sometimes it could be just saying a hello.

Etymologically, sincere comes from a Latin sine –“without” and cera – “wax”. Sculptors in Greek and Rome covered their flaws in work with wax to deceive the viewer.  Other explanation states that word sincere came from sincerus meaning “pure, clean and sound”.

Only a sincere person would appreciate and reciprocate accordingly. For others who are not open and transparent initially, breaking the external shell takes time and persistent sincerity. Sincerity will not beget sincerity only if the person at the other end is completely unscrupulous. One needs to draw a line and identify if the person at other end would be able to appreciate sincerity in a long haul.

Sincerity comes from clarity of intent. You can never be sincere if your driving force, your intent is to deceive someone.

Selling is all about sincerity. Selling is nothing but open, sincere and honest communications with clients to address their business need most effectively. Sincere encounters with clients build memorability and then selling just happens.

This has been my learning so far. For me, being sincere has always worked! What about you?


Shripal Shah December 8, 2008

First of all Happy Birth day Tanmay!

Once again, a thought provoking post from your end. When you say that sometimes Sincerity takes a long haul you are right, but the person who wants to be sincere, does not need to even think if the other person would appreciate it or not. As sincerity would always generate its own space in this delivery demanding and competitive industry.

Tanmay Vora December 8, 2008

That is an interesting insight Shripal – you are right. One can be relentlessly sincere irrespective of how others reciprocate.

However, If one can, one should draw a line for a simple reason that sincerity is not exploited as a weakness!